Welcome to UZDOC 2.0
Although significant steps have been made toward the modernization and alignment of Uzbek doctoral education with the state-of-the-art developments in the European Higher Education Area, there are still many challenges to be tackled. Building on the outcomes of the former UZDOC project, conducted with the support of the EU Tempus programme, UZDOC 2.0. will aim at furthering the quality of doctoral education at Uzbek partner HE Institutions and strengthening the implementation of doctoral education reforms in Uzbekistan.
Latest news and events
Overview of UZDOC 2.0 dissemination activities
NEW! UZDOC 2.0 email signature
Doctoral Education in Uzbekistan is ready for take off!
Download the UZDOC 2.0 email signature and let everybody know you are an UZDOC 2.0 Ambassador !
What is your wish for doctoral education in Uzbekistan?
UZDOC 2.0 partners created e-cards with their wishes for doctoral education in Uzbekistan. The wishes are an outcome of a workshop in the framework of the official final event on
Download the poster to promote the virtual Joint Doctoral Center
To ensure the sustainability of the use of the virtual Joint Doctoral Centre (one of the main objectives of the UZDOC 2.0 project), a poster to promote the center has been created.
Erasmus+ Info Day at Namangan State University
On October 23, 2019, Erasmus+ info day was held at Namangan State University. Over 60 representatives from three Higher Education Institutions in Namangan region participated in this initiative.
Pulatkhon Lutfullayev